Preparations to improve potency for men.

With the weakening of male power, representatives of the stronger sex choose drugs to improve potency in men. The question is important, the topic is sensitive, so not all patients are ready to go openly to a urologist with a health problem of this type. However, it needs to be addressed, and urgently. You must first find out how to increase potency in men naturally, and then resort to the help of medical methods.

problems with potency in age

Reasons for the decrease in potency.

Specialists distribute the causes of impotence into several main groups, which makes it possible to distinguish the following options:

  • vascular disorders;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • neurological disorders;
  • drug violations;
  • local riots.

These options correspond to the organic nature of the disease that we have already considered, in which impotence is the result of deviations in the normal functioning of one or another organ (system) in a man's body. Of the diseases that provoke the development of impotence in men, the following can be distinguished: hypertension, atherosclerosis, low testosterone (hypogonadism), multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, spinal cord injury.

treatment of impotence by a doctor

Focusing on impotence caused by diseases of the genital organs, three main forms can be distinguished that occur against the background of the influence of the following types of factors: disorders associated with the intrasecretory function of the testicles; the relevance of diseases of the seminal tubercle area and the prostate gland; mechanical causes (penis diseases, damage or malformations). In the first case, the disease has an endocrine origin, against which the reduced production of the sex hormone by the testicles leads to a concomitant weakening of sexual desire.

These disorders of the testicles can be congenital (underdevelopment of the testicles), they can also be acquired in childhood (during the transfer of bilateral orchitis or mumps, with scars and wrinkles in the diseased testicles) or in a more mature age (testicular injury, orchitis, age-related changes) accompanying the onset of old age or senile).

As for the second form, in which diseases of the seminal tubercle or prostate gland that are relevant to the patient are considered, these, in turn, are associated either with the presence of deviations from normal sexual life (what which implies the presence of excesses in it, actions associated with the artificial prolongation of the sexual act or its interruption, as well as frequent onanisms), or with third-party infection (posttrichomonas or postgonorrhoeal prostatitis and its other forms).

Medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction

There are many drugs on the market that can improve potency. Consulting with a doctor will help you choose the best option for a particular case.


The use of intracavernosal therapy before sexual intercourse guarantees a long-lasting erection with the proper use of medications. By injecting the solution directly into the desired area, it is possible to achieve an effect faster than when using tablets.

injections to improve potency
Despite the fact that it is not so difficult to master the technique of self-injection, it is recommended to entrust the procedure (at least the first injection) to a specialist, which minimizes the risk of damage to the subcutaneous vessels.
  1. Using a drug based on alprostadil, you can achieve a rapid inflow of blood and slow down its outflow. The effect, which lasts up to three hours, occurs in about 10 minutes. Most commonly prescribed dose: 5 . . . 20mcgBetween injections, you should take breaks of at least 24 hours. It is not recommended to use the drug more than three times a week. Restrictions on the use of the solution are: taking vasodilator drugs, pathologies of the liver, lungs and cardiovascular system.
  2. The drug (the main active ingredient is papaverine hydrochloride) is one of the most common remedies for the treatment of male impotence. It relaxes smooth muscles and blood vessels, allows the flow of a large amount of blood, after which a stable erection is observed, which lasts for several hours. After a course of treatment with papaverine, patients show normalization of blood circulation in the penis and stabilization of potency. You can not use the drug for patients suffering from glaucoma, adenoma, kidney disease, intolerance to the components of the drug. Simultaneously with papaverine injections, it is forbidden to drink alcohol. The use of the drug is contraindicated in elderly patients.
  3. The powder used to prepare the solution contains: alprostadil (main ingredient), lactose, sodium citrate. Using injections, you can limit the venous flow and achieve a full erection that occurs ten minutes after the injection and lasts two to three hours. The drug is administered once a day, the permissible frequency is 3 times in 7 days. The dose of the agent is 1. 25. . . 10mcgThe drug is not prescribed to young people under the age of 18 and to elderly patients who have passed the threshold of seventy-five years.
  4. The main purpose of the drug with alprostadil as an active ingredient is to improve the blood supply and the rheological characteristics of the blood. The drug is not prescribed to patients suffering from CCC, peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus and lung diseases. The agent begins to act approximately 5 minutes after administration. The duration of the effect varies from 1 to 3 hours.
The syringe needle should not be constantly inserted at the same point. Otherwise, the formation of hematomas is possible.
how hormones work to improve potency

Hormone replacement therapy is also used to improve potency. For this, patients are prescribed intramuscular injections (into the buttocks).

Side effects (the appearance of fibrous plaques and painful and long-lasting erections) and technical difficulties in administering the drug can lead to the rejection of this method of eliminating potency problems.

penis structure

tablet forms

Choosing a remedy to normalize potency, it is necessary to carefully study the existing contraindications.

  1. Tablets normalize blood circulation, help to increase potency. The action of tadalafil, which is part of the drug, lasts up to 36 hours. The drug is not indicated for men with diseases of the circulatory system.
  2. Udenafil, which is the active ingredient, normalizes potency. Contraindications to the use of tablets are cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the retina.
  3. It is a remedy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The drug is distinguished by an affordable price, a convenient method of application and high efficiency. Taking the drug helps restore erectile function and the natural response to sexual arousal. The action of the drug enhances the effect of nitric oxide on the corpus cavernosum, which provides the necessary muscle relaxation and improves blood circulation in the tissues.

In rare cases, the drug provokes the appearance of muscle pain in the back, priapism, vasodilation. The drug affects the functioning of the organs of vision, contributing to the distortion of color perception, the development of hypersensitivity to light, decreased visual clarity, and in rare cases - conjunctivitis.

  1. Sildenafil citrate drug. Improves erection and orgasm quality.
  2. Vardenafil tablets help to increase desire, increase the man's stamina and the quality of sexual intercourse. The action of one tablet, taken half an hour before sexual intercourse, is sufficient for about 5 hours. The maximum effect is observed an hour after taking the drug. The presence of cardiovascular diseases is a contraindication for the use of Levitra.
  3. Effective drugs that increase potency should affect the mechanism of expansion of blood vessels responsible for blood supply to the penis. Over the course of many years of work and a great deal of testing, it was found that the expansion of blood vessels is associated with the production of nitric oxide (NO), which is the responsibility of the endothelial enzyme NO synthase.

power sails

Means from this series allow you to fully restore male strength, not in all cases. But for the most part, they bring tangible results.

  • Candles for increasing potency in men are based on the extract from the prostate of animals, the auxiliary substance in them is hydrogenated fat. 1 suppository per day is prescribed, after defecation, a course of 10 days. After setting, it is better to lie down for 30-40 minutes, although this is an optional requirement. You can buy a drug with a dosage of 10 mg No. 10 for 1025-1040 rubles.
  • Widely known, simple and safe antispasmodic. It is suitable for restoring potency in men if their violations were caused by spasms of the blood vessels that fill the penis, any other muscles (acute pain in any part of the body does little to excite), including the lower back with lumbago.
  • The remedy to increase potency is optimal for chronic constipation, biliary dyskinesia and other digestive diseases that easily cause chronic nutrient deficiency, fatigue, slow erection, gas, inflammation of the rectum.

Completely or relatively healthy men note the high health benefits of the above candles, improvement of erection, lengthening of the time of sexual intercourse and increased desire.

Aerosol sprays

For men suffering from conditions that do not allow oral medication, sprays have been shown to improve potency.

Biologically active additives

The advantages of using dietary supplements are the natural ingredients that make up the composition, which allows fewer side effects. However, the drugs are not well studied and the efficacy of their administration is individual.

  1. Capsules are used to improve sexual function, increase libido and sperm quality, normalize hormone levels. The drug is taken simultaneously with meals 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks.
  2. Pills not only help to establish a man's sexual life, but also have a positive effect on the nervous system and immunity, strengthen the body. The drug is prescribed for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, prostate adenoma. Reception course: one tablet daily for a month. The effect, expressed in increased potency, is observed half an hour after ingestion.
  3. Under the influence of tablets, the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain is accelerated, which leads to an improvement in potency. The drug increases the stamina of a man, the level of testosterone, has a positive effect on the general health of the patient, saturating his body with vitamins and minerals.

traditional medicine methods

There is a large number of recipes of traditional medicine to prevent the development of prostatitis.

  • Every day you need to eat pumpkin seeds, about 30 pieces, half an hour before meals. You can also mix 0. 5 kg of ground seeds with a glass of honey, form balls the size of a walnut. Every day you need to dissolve 1-2 balls.
  • For 20-40 minutes, hazelnut leaves and bark are brewed. Taken on an empty stomach 200 ml. decoction every day.
  • Chestnut shells are made and taken instead of tea. Also, to prevent inflammation of the prostate, you can take 1 tablespoon a day. a tablespoon of elderberry juice before meals.

The best prevention of the disease is to maintain a healthy lifestyle and regular sex. You can start taking medication only after consulting a doctor. After all, any remedy has side effects, which can cause an undesirable result, in the form of allergies and other complications.

garlic tincture to enhance potency

How will nutrition help?

Among the items on the list informing what to eat to increase potency in men, the following best products are distinguished:

  1. Chocolate- Biologically active theobromine and phenylethylamine in its composition increase libido. It is useful to eat bitter dark chocolate with 65% cocoa and more. Fillers (especially coffee) are best ignored, leaving nuts as an exception.
  2. Quail eggs- increase sexual desire due to the content of phosphorus, iron and amino acids. It is useful to eat them raw up to four pieces a day.
  3. chicken eggs- poorer in composition compared to quail, but more accessible for food. The combination of fried eggs with onion and black pepper enhances the potency of a man. Eating raw is not recommended.
  4. Perga- the excellent product of beekeeping, represents the pollen processed by bees. It is rich in protein, carbohydrates, improves testosterone secretion to the proper level. The daily dose reaches 10 g, use bee bread with caution in case of intolerance to honey or allergies.